
West Clinic Blog, Videos, & Special Reports

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Pacific Pizza

Next time you’re craving pizza, skip the unhealthy, frozen or fast food pizzas and try this...

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Whole Food. Whole Nutrition. Wholy Cow!

Whole food supplements are superior to synthetically made supplements. Natural is better....

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Black and Blue Chicken Stuffed Potatoes

Ready to mix up this week’s meal plan with a recipe the whole family will enjoy? ...

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Overcoming Lyme Disease

Isabel was diagnosed with Lyme and had been struggling badly for two years. She had tried...

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Banana Roll-Ups

Did you know bananas have several essential nutrients and have benefits for digestion, heart...

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Guilt Free Brownies

These guilt free brownies are a favorite around my house. These delicious, chocolatey brownies...

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Natural Treatments for Parkinson's Disease with Dr. West

Did you know Parkinson's disease is the 2nd most common diagnosed neurodegenerative disease?


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Lyme Disease – From Wheelchair to Walking


Amanda was suffering from unexplained symptoms since the age of 5 years old.  Her...

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Chelation Therapy for Heart Health

Traditionally, chelation is used to remove toxic heavy metals from the body. However, it can also...

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My Arthritis Symptoms Are Fading -Testimonial

My Arthritis Symptoms Are Fading

Morgan’s Arthritis Symptoms were making it difficult for...

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I was dying; now I'm getting married! Becky’s amazing success story.

Successful patient outcome to chronic Lyme disease.

Becky thought she was dying, no energy,...

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Relief from Chronic Pain


This man had been suffering with chronic pain his whole life due to Osgood Schlatters...

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Chronic Illness Progress-90% Better

 Giving hope with chronic health care conditions.

This patient feels 90% better. She was...

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When Chronic Fatigue is Lyme Disease


This patient was frustrated with his health deteriorating and could get no explanations or...

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Arthritis is Often Misdiagnosed Lyme Disease


This woman is another story of medically failed treatments of unexplained symptoms, (that...

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Prolozone Therapy

Prolozone therapy has made a big difference for this man, and for the man who inspired him to get...

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My Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Are Gone

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms affect over 1 million people each year. CFS as it is commonly...

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Jim beats chronic low back pain without drugs and without surgery

Listen to Jim beat chronic low back pain without drugs and without surgery. He was miserable and...

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Nervous System Reboot for Infertility

Meet Cori, an amazing woman, mother and determined patient. Cori came into the office 3 years ago...

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Hero Story: My second Dad

Hero Story – Max Hanks -What a story!!!

“Everyone has a story. It might or might not...

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Jerusha's Story: Wheelchair to Walking

Patient success story – Jerusha went from wheel chair to walking. Here's her story of...

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Anxiety - understanding the cause and natural treatments


Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness,...

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Natural Allergy Relief

Allergies are hypersensitive immune responses to substances that either enter or come in...

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Chronic Disease- How to Beat it

Now, how I describe neural therapy to patients in the office, is it is kind of like a nerve...

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Why We Get Sick and What to Do About It

One of the biggest failures of the medical community is failing to look at the root cause of what is going on in the body.  When we get sick, experience pain, or feel unwell, it is usually an indication something is out of balance.  Are you ready to STOP the cycle?  Register below for Dr. Jason's secret steps to getting WELL!  Your new journey begins now.

Medical Disclaimer:

All of the information on this website—Dr Jason West/—is published for general in-formation and educational purposes only. Dr Jason West/ does not make any guarantees about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information. This in-formation is not intended to treat or cure any medical conditions, provide medical advice, or take the place of your physician’s advice. All viewers/readers of this site and content are advised to consult a qualified health professional regarding health questions and concerns. The dietary and other substances, and/or materials, equipment, or devices discussed on this site may not have undergone evaluation and/or testing by the United States Food and Drug Administration or like agency of any other country. Risks that might be determined by such testing are unknown. (Click here to read the full disclaimer text.). Any action you take upon the information that you find within this content is strictly at your own risk. Neither Dr. Jason West / West Clinic Online nor any content publishers will be liable for any damages or losses in connection with the content on this website. All viewers should consult their physicians before starting any lifestyle, supplement, or nutrition program.