We Go The Extra Mile

Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you a little about some of the neat things I’ve seen here in the office. I would say that my job is very rewarding. I really enjoy everyone I work with and getting to know all of our wonderful patients.
I have seen patients actually getting better right in front of my eyes, it's mind blowing. I personally do IV therapy and it helps me tremendously. I am so thankful and grateful to work in an office that offers that. Especially during this era. All these sicknesses going around have made it impossible to live a normal life.
One story that touched my heart was a patient that was diagnosed with Lupus and previous doctors couldn’t really give her a clear answer of why they thought it was Lupus. She was very confused and frustrated. She had been to multiple doctors, and it was the run around. Medications being prescribed and it’s not something she wanted. One thing she didn’t have was the skin issues that come with it.
So, Dr. J ordered some labs and offered her a treatment plan that consisted of IV’s and supplements. Within 10 treatments she had improved 110% She was ecstatic. This was the best that she’s felt for some time. I could see how happy she was just by looking at her. Just boosting her immune system and staying consistent with her supplements really made a difference in her life. Once her labs came back the indicator for lupus was not present. At that point she was so impressed and thankful for Dr. J going that extra mile to help her.
It so refreshing to work for a doctor that really cares. It again proves to me that “You are not your diagnosis!!!”
Thank you, Dr. J and Misty, for making it possible for me to join this awesome team, I’m truly grateful.