Treatments At The West Clinic

Hey Everyone, I'm back for my second blog post. This time around I'm going to let you know what I have experienced with the treatments that I have received here at the West Clinic!
My very first treatment was an adjustment from Dr. J and let me tell you, it was amazing! My body snapped, crackled and popped like it never had before! The relief I felt in my neck was indescribable! I'm now completely hooked on adjustments!
The next treatment I was given was our big Vitamin C IV bag, while I was pregnant with my son. My body was so worn down and my son was taking all my nutrients. My protein levels were so low that Dr. J had me get an IV right away. I actually fell asleep in the chair while it was dripping, lol. That night I slept so well, and when I woke up, I had never felt better.
The next treatment I received was my favorite of all time! I was home taking my 3 year maternity leave to be with my son Malik! (I left for 3 years and came back August of 2020) Anyways, it was winter and very slick outside. I was getting my son out of his car sea. At that time we had a big jacked-up pickup and when I stepped onto the running boards they were covered in ice. I slipped with my son in my arms. As mother's instinct goes, I wrapped him up in my arms and took the brunt of the fall. I completely messed up my ankle. It was bad.
I called Jodi that night and asked if I could come down to the clinic in the morning to have Shelby check out my ankle. She said "of course, get your butt down here!"
Shelby assessed my ankle and she determined I had torn some ligaments. She then expressed to me that I would be needing Prolozone injections. It actually didn't hurt too bad when she gave them to me. I was so surprised!
It literally cured me in one injection! That was over 3 years ago now and I haven't even had one issue with my ankle since. Prolozone is my favorite thing ever!
Well guys, gotta go for now! I'll talk to you soon!