Moving into 2022

I hope everyone had a great holiday! It was nice to have a break to re-connect with family and friends.
As the New Year is here, remember it can be a moving experience. It’s a time when we reflect with gratitude on the past and set our hopes and intentions for the days ahead.
What is more amazing about a new year is that we get an opportunity to reinvigorate our enthusiasm for chasing dreams and goals. I hope this year is filled with lots of hopes, dreams and goals.
With the new year it is a time to set new health and wellness resolutions/intentions. It’s a NEW start to kick our old health and past eating habits to the curb. I know that most of us have a new year’s resolution of eating better and losing weight.
I don’t like to set up resolutions as sometimes I fail to keep them throughout the year. So, for me an intention is more focused on creating abundance in my life. My intentions don’t mean I’m doing something wrong with my current situation but instead, it motivates me to live an even better life.
A few of my intentions for this year are to live more mindfully and open to new outcomes. I intend to live with more compassion for myself and for others. I want to live in the moment without worrying about the past or the future. I create an affirmation to repeat often to help me focused on my intentions.
So, my affirmation for being more compassionate would be; I am capable of giving and receiving unconditional love.
My affirmation for living in the moment would be; I am present, living in the only moment that truly exists, right now.
I hope that everyone can start fresh and set resolutions or intentions to make 2022 the best you’ve ever had.
Until next time….