Louis beats mold disease great patient out come all the way from California

Great patient success story from chronic mold illness. Meet Lou Anderson and hear the interview with Dr Jason West at the West Clinic in August of 2019. This is different than traditional treatments and the patient had a great response to the treatment.
Mold sickness is more common than realized. Exposure to damp and mold environments may cause a variety of health effects such as nasal stuffiness, throat irritation, coughing or wheezing, eye irritation, and skin problems. These symptoms can be misdiagnosed as allergies or autoimmune symptoms.
The medical treatments may include nasal corticosteroids, antihistamines, oral decongestants, and even Montelukast, and antimicrobial therapy (some doctors may use antibiotics). These may cause side-effects such as liver disease, high blood pressure, insomnia, loss of appetite, heart pounding, and restleslness to name a few.
Dr West treated Lou with a combination of vitamin infusions (Vitamin C), titrating up from 10,000mg to 25,000mg to 50,000mg. It’s important to infuse Vitamin C with other things like calcium, potassium, magnesium and B6. The patient also was given chelation, healthy cell therapy, and customized medical nutritional therapy – that’s recommendations based upon specific blood tests.
If you have mold toxicity, chronic illness, Lyme disease, or autoimmune, please take a moment to get information at www.askanymedicalquestion.com. It’s free.
Dr Jason West & Louie Anderson; West Clinic 2019