Chelation – Out With The Bad, In With The Good

Your body is constantly rebuilding itself every second. If it’s polluted or lacks nutrition, the rebuilding slows or stops.
Every second of every day, your body is rebuilding – or regenerating itself. By tomorrow you will be 50 million skin cells different than you are today. After 10 days, the lining of your intestines will be changed, and in 120 days (4 months), you will have a new set of red blood cells.
To give you an idea of what that means – one teaspoon of blood contains 25 billion (with a “b”) red blood cells. Your body has between 5 to 6 quarts of blood. By doing a little math, you can find that your body has about 25 trillion (with a “t”) to 28.8 trillion red blood cells.
That is simply astonishing!
However, there is a problem. If your body doesn’t have the right nutrition or is polluted with toxins, then that regenerating is greatly impacted, and instead of regenerating, it is degenerating. Your red blood cells slow down and don’t work properly.
You can then understand why you might not have the energy you should, or use to. Or why you can get sick all the time; why your back and knees hurt; why it’s harder to breathe; why your eyesight is failing. Your body just wears out much faster than it should. Then you can start to develop more worrisome “symptoms”:
Angina (heart pain)
There are many reasons why this happens:
- The air you breathe isn’t pure anymore.
- The water you drink isn’t pure anymore, now it’s contaminated with chemicals, harmful minerals, and too much acid.
- The food you eat isn’t as nutritious as it used to be, having an average of a 30%-50% decline in the main vitamins and minerals over the last century.
- Pesticides and chemicals are used everywhere from the food you eat to the water you drink.
- Toxic metals are everywhere, putting a constant strain on your cells, the smallest working parts in the body.
– Lead: from gasoline, paint, batteries
– Mercury: amalgam fillings, fish, paint
– Arsenic: cigarettes, tires, plating on metals
– Cadmium: cigarettes, tires, plating on metals
– Aluminum: cooking ware, aluminum foil, antacids, liquid cheese
Something needs to be done. You need to help your body flush these toxins out, so it can better repair itself. To do this you need to:
- Consume better raw materials: have a more wholesome diet and take supplemental vitamins and minerals
- Avoid pollution: including cigarettes, alcohol, especially medications
- Get rid of the pollutants that are already in your body
Yes, it’s not difficult to eat better. Yes, it’s not difficult to avoid pollutants. But how do you get rid of the pollutants and poisons that are already in your body?
One of the best formulas is an amino-acid called EDTA Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid – referred to as Chelation Therapy. It was used in the 1940’s to remove lead from the body. However, it was discovered that patients who were being treated for lead were reporting their angina (heart pain) was disappearing.
Chelation Therapy is thought to improve health by biochemically improving bodily harmony. It is an amazing therapy that:
- Is safe and effective
- Draws out toxins, metabolic waste, unnecessary and toxic metals from the bloodstream
- Increases blood circulation
- Restores proper blood circulation to the tissues of the body
- Reduces internal inflammation caused by free radicals – which can help prevent anginga, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, reverse gangrene
- Can ease the discomfort and disability from degenerative disease
- Can improve memory, eyesight, hearing, smelling, vigor and stamina.
- Can improve breathing capacity and function for sufferers of lung conditions.
The long and short of it is: Chelation Therapy cleans out the body, then tunes it up.
It must be given intravenously to be effective in your tune-up. It travels in the blood through the entire body, where it causes the many changes and benefits to occur, then it is passed out through the kidneys within 24 hours.
As an example of a benefit, many physicians believe that it removes calcium (the hardening agent) from blood vessel walls. It literally is reversing “hardening of the arteries”!
It all sounds great, but now what? It isn’t enough for you to know that Chelation Therapy could help you with your medical and health problems, you must act on this information for it to be helpful to you.
Call The West Clinic today to get an evaluation with one of our doctors: 208-232-3216