
17 years of symptoms gone in 7 weeks lyme disease success story

Angela is an amazing success story. She was bit by a tick in 2002 and developed the bulls-eye rash. Had a positive western blot blood tests. Had two weeks of antibiotic therapy (she thinks penicillin, which I have never heard of before). She hurts head to tail with muscle pain, joint pain and severe fatigue, and has difficulty breathing. She was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
She has received about 10 treatments and she is so much better. She is not hurting, her brain is working and her energy is coming back.
She was treated with the West Clinic treatment method – IV vitamin C, dilute hydrogen peroxide (1:100), ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy and neural therapy. Neural therapy resets the nervous system.

Neural therapy is a medical approach that diagnoses and treats local disturbances of the autonomic nervous system. The foci of disturbance, called interference fields, are electrophysiologically unstable and emit abnormal neurological signals to which the autonomic nervous system reacts.

Interference fields seldom draw attention to themselves and are often found in unlikely places, – surgical scars being the stereotypical example. Even stranger, is the fact that the autonomic nervous system may react to interference fields by creating symptoms in remote areas of the body. For example an appendix scar may be a source of long-standing migraine headaches.
The autonomic nervous system reacts to interference fields in many different ways. Myofascial or other pain syndromes may occur. Visceral function may be disturbed, resulting in illnesses such as asthma, GERD, angina, irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual irregularities, etc. In addition, virtually all orthopaedic medical conditions have an autonomic nervous system component, at least in part.
Interference fields are not rare. In fact they can be found in a substantial portion of patients in any medical practice, and in particular the practice of orthopaedic medicine. They should be looked for in any condition where the autonomic nervous system is involved, which includes most pain syndromes.

The main challenge in the practice of neural therapy is detection of these interference fields. The most easily recognized are those found in scars, but other locations such as teeth, autonomic ganglia, internal organs, and somatic dysfunction are also common. (Somatic dysfunction by definition includes an autonomic nervous system component and behaves in every way like all other interference fields .)

Interference fields may be found by two different methods. One is by careful history taking. A key element of the history is a latent period of a few weeks between the illness or injury (e.g. surgical procedure) and the onset of symptoms. The other method is by physical examination. Subtle changes in autonomic tone around the interference field are sought and a technique called autonomic response testing is used to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment is the easier part. The classic method is to infiltrate the interference field with dilute (preservative-free) procaine or lidocaine, followed by an intravenous bolus into a convenient vein on the same side of the body. The rationale for this treatment is that interference fields are caused by local cell membrane instability. A caine anaesthetic (through its cell membrane-stabilizing properties), restores the electrical potential, and helps normalize the physiology of the tissues. This effect lasts longer than one would expect from local anaesthetics and with repeat treatments the interference field is often permanently abolished.

She received some nutritional support therapy from

Dr Jason West & Angela
West Clinic, September 2019

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