
Natural Heart Health

Season #1

The heart is the most important muscle in the body.  It's the first muscle to show stress or nutritional inadequacy, and hormone imbalances.  It's also the first muscle to respond.

If the heart is "off" people feel an impending sense of doom, lethargy, hopelessness and decreased vitality. It's not a good feeling.

Yes, you can do something about it.  It's not just blood pressure meds, or decreasing activity.  What if you could unlock genes, proteins, and energy to repair and optimize the heart?

If the heart has no horse power as in the case of low blood pressure, people feel terrible.  If the heart is overworking (high blood pressure), many times there are no symptoms but it's a risk factor for blowing your hydraulics (stroke).

If the heart works too hard for too long, it enlarges and the valves don't work.  If there is a deficiency in fat loving B vitamins or B vitamin cofactors then the heart gets out or rhythm (atrial fibrillation).  Many times, just getting the B vitamin co-factors into the body and help the heart into normal rhythms.

We even touch on aortic stenosis, heart fatigue, and adrenal exhaustion.

Also learn about:

1. B vitamins that act like a heart regulator

2. G vitamins (co-factors) that help nerve relaxation (high blood pressure)

3. NHP- natural hormone pre-cursors for heart conditions

4. Oxygen transporters

5. Advanced oxidative medicine strategies